Do I need to prepare images before uploading?
Many of our users ask us what to do before uploading photos.
The answer is simple - nothing!
We will do all the necessary things for you.
You can add photos in original size, cause
we will prepare appropriate and responsive versions of photos for your publication
it could be even 6000x4000 (px) - although we recommend reducing the dimensions to 3000 px on the long edge. This will reduce the file size and speed up uploading.
You can name your photos whatever you want
as our SEO module will do whatever it takes to show your photos on Google.
You just need to set the keywords in the SEO module to rename the images and auto-fill the alternative text with keywords.*
The answer is simple - nothing!
We will do all the necessary things for you.
You can add photos in original size, cause
we will prepare appropriate and responsive versions of photos for your publication
it could be even 6000x4000 (px) - although we recommend reducing the dimensions to 3000 px on the long edge. This will reduce the file size and speed up uploading.
You can name your photos whatever you want
as our SEO module will do whatever it takes to show your photos on Google.
You just need to set the keywords in the SEO module to rename the images and auto-fill the alternative text with keywords.*
Updated on: 10/04/2022
Thank you!